You Can’t Stop Change.
Change is an integral part of our lives.
It’s rare that one is able to experience a constant state in their life, especially at our age. When you’re 20, you’re forced into change whether you like it or not.
Home turns from your house to a cramped room in the city, life changes from endless homework to endless tasks and spreadsheets, the people you used to find comfort in no longer give you the same reassurance as they used to.
I’d like to say that you should embrace change, but that isn’t always possible, feasible, nor ideal.
You can’t stop change. You can’t stop yourself from being thrusted into situations that make you uncomfortable, situations outside of your control.
What you can do is take a deep breath, and push through. It will suck.
But you might just surprise yourself with your ability to find comfort in the most uncomfortable situations.
This is Day 3 from my 100 Words a Day project.