There is No Right.
Everyone has ideas.
Everyone has something they dream to do, something they want to create. Maybe it’s a feature film, or a research paper, or a social initiative.
But most of us don’t do it. Most of us leave our good ideas as just that — good ideas.
And most of the time, it’s because we’re so scared we won’t do it right.
We fear that we’ll make mistakes, that we’ll mess up, that we’ll do less than perfect. We plan endlessly to make sure that every little detail is impeccable. We want nothing to go wrong.
Yet we wait so long for the perfect moment that we end up never doing it. Every day we look at other people achieving our dream and we say, “When I get the perfect moment, I’ll be better than them.”
But we never do become better than them, because the perfect moment doesn’t exist. The one’s who do nothing waiting for perfection will lose to those who do not fear failure.
So be bold, and try. Do whatever it is you want to do. Make music even if no one else is listening. Take pictures even when no one says they’re good. Write Medium articles that no one cares to read.
Everyone starts from zero. But you can’t start from zero if you never start in the first place.
There is no right.
There is just do.
So, without any intention to promote a massive multi-national sporting apparel conglomerate);
just do it.