Shutting Down.
Take a second to breathe.
In our current world, it often feels like that we are expected to constantly be “on”. We must be working 24/7, constantly producing output, always making something new. Call it the grind, the hustle, whatever you want. It’s hard to deny that the expectation exists.
This expectation is also what causes us to believe that relaxing equates to “slowing down”, something with negative connotations, something bad, something that must be constantly avoided.
But realistically? It’s okay to take a breath.
It’s okay to relax.
It’s okay to slow down.
No, you won’t fail because you took a day off to eat fries and do a deep Youtube dive.
You can still achieve your dreams even if you take a day off.
So relax.
Don’t burn yourself out.
This is Day 11 of my 100 Words a Day Project.