Short Break #7: Journaling

Haikal Satria
2 min readOct 11, 2021


Berawa Sunsets.

Welcome back to another short break.

Today I learned about journaling and how to start. Apparently you just write down some thoughts and how your day went, and then you just do that every day. And then I realized that’s basically this short break.

So let me write down some random thoughts I had today.

I don’t know if fantasizing about the what if’s and could’ve beens is good, but somehow I think I’d be crazier if I didn’t.

I always coaxed my friends out of thinking they’re unlovable, but somehow I’m thinking that way too now. Maybe it’s just a thought you have to get through in order to be able to one day think that you’re worthy or able to be loved.

I see people have kids now, and I’ve always wanted kids, but somehow I can’t come to terms with the moral burden of bringing a person into a world that is one day destined for doom.

I’m now listening to Haunt 3x (slowed+reverb) because I heard it on TikTok and now I’m hooked.

Today I read two interesting facts. The first fact was that primitive humans, the hunters-foragers-gatherers, were on an individual level much more smarter and skilled than the average human today. Did they suffer from existential crises too? Or were they too busy focusing on survival that they didn’t even have time to think about other stuff?

The second fact is that happiness is not an end state, but a continuous work-in-progress. It kind of takes the pressure off trying to be constantly happy.

I thought today was going to be a bad week. But today was pretty good. I got to see the sunset at the beach (photo attached).

I wonder if I will one day become my best self, or if this is it and it’s just a downhill ride from here. I hope not.

I deleted my TikTok and LinkedIn on my phone. So now I really have no social media (except for Facebook but I never use it anyway). I’ve been getting more into penpals. I’ve been sending emails back and forth with a penpal for the past two weeks and it’s quite nice. I also installed Slowly (after my penpal reminded me it existed) and sending some letters there. It’s nice to still have some connection despite not being on social media.

If you’d like to be a penpal too, send me an email at Full disclaimer: I’m horrible at replying but I try my best.

I guess that’s it for today.

See you in the next break.



Haikal Satria
Haikal Satria

Written by Haikal Satria

Writer from Indonesia. Writing for fun.

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