Rain Or Shine
Today was a bad, lonely day.
I was considering not writing for today. I feel horrible. I had already made up excuses not to write — no one cared about my writing, it was okay to skip one day, I shouldn’t be too hard on myself.
But maybe the worst days of our lives are the best days to write.
Writing is not purely meant for an audience. It is not a means for other’s entertainment, although it can be. Writing should be cathartic — it should alleviate pain, it should help the process of thoughts, it should help one heal.
Rain or shine, I’ll try to write. Through the good days and bad days. Through the horrid parts of life and the joyful parts of life.
If my worst thoughts are true — that no one cares about my writing — I should find solace in that. If no one is reading this, then what I write can be purely for me — to remember, to record, and to heal.
This is Day 9 of my 100 Words a Day project.