No Regrets
Who doesn’t have regrets?
Regrets are an integral part of our lives; it’s hard not to compare our lives with others, to wish we had the lives of another, to stress over the fact we made a decision that caused us pain and sadness.
So, is it possible to live a life with no regrets?
Maybe it is. Maybe regrets are a choice — it happens because we believe that decisions are categorized into two groups: bad and good. We regret the bad decisions, because we think they’ve ultimately led us to bad lives.
But what we need to realize is that — there are no purely good lives. No one makes all good decisions or all bad decisions.
So bad decisions are not the cause of distress in our lives — stress will happen anyway.
On the contrary, bad decisions often are not pure bad — they lead to unexpectedly good outcomes, situations that lead us to happiness, to meet people we never might have met before.
To erase regret might be impossible. But to see it in a different light is not.
This is Day 8 of my 100 Words a Day project.