It Could Always Be Worse.
I’ve dealt with insecurities for the majority of my college years.
I always looked at other’s lives and thought: “Why can’t my life be like that?”
All of my friends seemed to have better lives. They went to better universities, they got chances to join amazing competitions, they traveled constantly, they had better phones, better motorcycles, better laptops, better everything.
And so, for a long time whenever someone said to me that I needed to be grateful, I went bitter.
But life is fair. Not in a grand sense that everything is equal, but it is fair.
No one has a one hundred percent perfect life. There’s always a hidden story, a hidden layer, a hidden secret, behind everything that looks perfect.
Also, other people’s happiness realistically should have no impact on my happiness. When someone gets to travel to Europe or New York, my life is not affected in any real way. It’s only affected when I make a choice to be jealous, to be bitter, to be hateful about it.
My life is in no way perfect, but it could definitely be worse.
For this year, I need and want to be more grateful for the things I have in life-not regret the things I don’t have.
This is Day 2 of my 100 Words a Day.