A quote I read once said: “How beautiful it is to have something you care about so much it makes you cry.”
I used to believe in that so much. I don’t know if I still do.
I’m very easily attached — to people, to movies, to places, to memories. And for a long time, I thought of that as a good thing. It was good to care a lot about something.
But entering this year, I’ve realized that attachment — in the end — only hurts you.
Caring too much about people, places, memories only causes pain. Especially when the only person that cares about that thing is you.
So I’m going to try to become more disattached. To care less about matters that do not care about me. To worry less about things, people, experiences that are out of my control. This year, I’ll try to disattach.
This is Day 4 of my 100 Words a Day project.