BBB: There’s A Silver Lining Somewhere
Disappointment is an inevitability.
We can’t always get what we want. No matter how much hard work you put in, no matter how much effort you exert, there will be some things that you want but can never get.
Maybe it’s a job. Maybe it’s a position. Maybe it’s a lifestyle. Maybe it’s a person.
We all lose at one point. In the game of life, no one gets to be an absolute winner.
So what do we do when we know that we’ll all lose at one point?
We find ways to make the loss not hurt so much. We find ways to make miracles out of misery. We find ways to see the silver lining, even when it isn’t so clear.
Maybe you’re let down. Maybe you don’t get what you want.
But that doesn’t mean it has to be all bad. That doesn’t mean that the sky is all grey.
The silver lining is there, somewhere.
Sometimes, you just need to look a little bit longer.