BBB: Have a little faith.
I used to struggle a lot with believing in myself — in a way, I still do.
I never understood how it was so easy for other people. To work on something and believe that it would work and succeed without a hitch.
Whenever I worked on anything, I would always be confident of one thing and one thing only — that it could fail spectacularly. There’s a little pit in my stomach that contracts and ties itself in a knot whenever I have to work on something and show it to the world.
I think it’s because I had a really hard time believing anything positive about myself. I never knew how to navigate through compliments from others — do I say thank you? Do I deny? Do I laugh it off and compliment back?
So I was often pessimistic about my own work. I didn’t believe that things would end up the way I wanted to, but rather the exact opposite.
But I’ve learned to realize that this way of looking at yourself is both unkind and disingenuous.
Yes, there’s a big chance that whatever you’re doing might fail. But sometimes your mind amplifies this probability to unrealistic proportions — where you only think of how something can fail and see no possibility of it going well.
Yet most of the time, things go okay. They’re rarely an amazing success, but they’re also rarely a horrible failure.
Have a little faith in yourself. Believe in yourself. Give yourself a little trust that you can succeed, and that failure isn’t your only option.
Sometimes, you have to get out of your own head. Sometimes, you have to stop listening to the whispers in your head.
However bad you think it’ll be, it’ll be better than that. Maybe not 100% of the time, but most of the time.
Believe in yourself a little bit more.