BBB: Define yourself.
I’m a man of many interests, if I do say so myself.
I like movies, I like games, I like music, I like books, I like looking at pieces of art and trying to understand what they mean for me, I like playing chess, I like writing random pieces on Medium, I like eating food, I like taking photos, I like pretending I’m funny, the list goes on.
So when people ask me “what do you like most?”, I always get flustered.
How do I choose one thing that defines me the most?
If I say movies, people ask me how much movies I watched last year. If I say games, they’ll ask me about how many hours I’ve spent playing games and whether I’ve started playing this game or that game. If I say chess, they ask me what’s my rating.
When people ask you to choose one thing to like, somehow there’s pressure to be really good at that one thing.
But what if I don’t want to be defined by one thing? And what if I’m not really good at any of the things I like — I’m just okay at most of them?
For me, I’m content with defining myself that way. Maybe you don’t want to define yourself in the same way — maybe you’d like to be known as an exceptionally dedicated movie watcher, or a hardcore gamer, or a master of chess.
That’s fine.
What’s most important is that you know that you get to define yourself. Maybe other people look at you in different ways, but what matters is how you perceive yourself and how you choose to show yourself to others.
You can be specialized in one field, or a combination of multiple interests, or a mysterious figure with hidden talents.
Whatever you want to be, determine it yourself.